Are you ready for things to be different? Is it time to take charge of your own health? If so, we're here to help you with the tools you need to reverse your symptoms and feel good again.
We start by learning more about your symptoms by having you complete a SYMPTOM ANALYSIS so we can match you with an expert that is best suited to address your unique situation.
Then we'll schedule a phone or zoom call to go over your case and explain what we find. This is a free service whether you chose to work with us or not.
Once you've had your complimentary visit and decided to work with us, your virtual health coach will send you an email to join our portal where you can upload labs or testing you've already had done. You'll also be sent a Symptom Analysis that takes about 10 minutes to complete. This helps us to know how frequent and severe your symptoms are. Your Coach will take your payment in full, or set you up on our interest free payment plan, and will send you a link to schedule your first session via phone or zoom.
You'll virtuallyl meet with your Coach every other week. Together you'll define helpful protocols, optimize your food choices, and look at natural things you can do to feel better. Your Coach will also discuss
At your virtual appointment, your CoachWe talk on the phone or via zoom to get clarification and gather more details to begin to fill in the blanks. Specifically we'll be looking for what may be triggering or CAUSING your symptoms so we can begin steps to turn things around. This typically includes food, supplements, and lifestyle choices specific to your situation.
THEN: We continue our talks every other week, making adjustments and seeing how the body responds. By this time we would have formulated a high level plan so you know what to expect. We start by addressing the most basic body symptoms first (hydration, digestion, sleep, etc.). Those have to be addressed early on before we can move further upstream in the body to uncover the next level of systems that need supporting. We'll uncover your triggers so you'll know how to stay well, even after we our work together is complete.
I was diagnosed with Dermatomyositis, an uncommon autoimmune disease. It meant I could never have kids again because of the class of drugs I would have to take to manage it.
I needed a cane for short distances, and a wheelchair if walking was required. It was a struggle to take care of myself, let alone my young son. I had nearly lost all hope!
In working with Melissa, the biggest help was eliminating inflammatory foods that were discovered on my food sensitivity test. I began to eat real, whole foods and feed my body the nutrition it needed to heal
I also began taking the specific supplements my body needed and began to feel alive for the first time in a long time. I no longer needed a cane or wheelchair anymore!!
Fast forward to 2020 . . . I gave birth to another healthy, beautiful son because I no longer needed that awful medicine!
Our bodies have the power to heal and survive! I am thankful I have the tools to heal myself and am forever grateful for Melissa and the freedom she gave me. I hope this serves as encouragement for those of you reading it.
I had been diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder, GERD, and IBS. I had my gallbladder taken out, started taking acid reflux medicine and was nearly a full blown diabetic.
I started researching how bad acid reflux medication was on the body, and that day a video appeared in my Facebook feed on that very subject from Sagebrush Wellness.
I was skeptical at first, wondering if this was a real program and didn't think I could afford such a thing anyway, but kept thinking how I needed to meet this person! I almost cancelled the day of my appointment because I felt so sick from something I ate. I'm so glad I didn't!
I learned that because I don't have a gallbladder, I should have been on specific supplements to support digestion (something the doctors never mentioned). They also looked at my bloodwork differently that my regular docs and that helped us to find out the WHY behind my symptoms.
I've been in the program for 10 months and am happy to say I've been able to reverse fatty liver, diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation, and I lost 40 pounds without trying! I'm off blood pressure medicine and acid reflux pills. The pain in my knees is very minimal and I have WAY more energy. It was great to have a person in my corner who really cares, who is no judgemental and is willing to hold your hand, yet keep you accountable.
I never once felt overwhelmed. We took things slow. They genuinely care about each and every client and helped me get my life back! I thank God every day and the people that make this program possible.